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20th of June 2024:

From June 17 to June 21 we were happy to host already second time Prof. Izabella Jastrzębska from University of Białystok, Poland. Izabella gave two exciting talks regarding her work with steroids and molecular rotors that sparked interesting discussions and possible collaboration ideas. We are looking forward for the next visits!


4th of June 2024:

Congratulations! Ander Mägi defended his bachelor thesis with mark "Excellent"! His thesis was on chiral sensor materials. The thesis was higlighted by the defence committee!

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Photo: Ander Mägi with his supervisor Marko Šakarašvili. 

4th of June 2024:

Congratulations! Erik Kirs defended his bachelor thesis with mark "Excellent"! His thesis was on synthesis of chiral material.

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Photo: Supervisors Elena Prigorchenko, Thi Thanh Ngan Nguyen and Erik Kirs in the centre. 

4th of June 2024:

Congratulations! Eve Schults defended her bachelor thesis with mark "Excellent"! Her thesis was on mechanochemical synthesis.


3rd of June 2024:

Congratulations! Rauno Reitalu defended his master thesis with mark "Excellent"! His thesis was on modelling of host-guest complexes.


15th of April 2024:

Research in Estonia highlighted our recent work on mechanochemical Birch reduction:


Photo: The authors researching the mechanochemical Birch reaction with calcium and magnesium (J. V. Nallaparaju, R. Satsi, D. Merzhyievskyi, D. G. Kananovich, T. Jarg, R. Aav) and a key instrument used in their study – a shaker mill. Author:Marharyta Laktsevich-Iskryk

5th of April 2024:

Our work on mechanochemical synthesis of imatinib was featured on Royal Society of Chemistry YouTube channel.


26th of March 2024:

Our work on mechanochemical synthesis of imatinib was featured in IMPACTIVE blog post:

22nd of February 2024:

Our team received recognition from TalTech: our article on mechanochemical Barbier reaction was selected as "Best Research Article of the Year" in Natural, Exact and Health Sciences.

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On the photo: D. Merzhyievskyi, T. Jarg, R. Aav, D. G. Kananovich. J. V. Nallaparaju, T. Nikonovich. 

6th of February 2024:

Our group member Tatsiana Nikonovich successfully defended her PhD thesis “Mechanochemical C–N Bond-Forming Reactions and Their Application in Pharmaceutical Synthesis” Well done, Tatsiana! We are wishing you a bright future! We are also thankful to the opponents, Prof. Carsten Bolm and Prof. Lauri Vares, for their invaluable insights and the time dedicated to thoroughly examining the PhD candidate and the thesis. 


28th of September 2023:

EurekaAlert! Highlighted our work on mechanochemical Barbier reaction:

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On the photo: J. V. Nallaparaju, D. Merzhyievskyi, T. Nikonovich, T. Jarg, D. G. Kananovich, R. Aav and a key device used in their study – a shaker mill 

1st of Autust 2023:

Exciting update: Our recent work on the mechanochemical Barbier reaction has been featured on one of the covers of Angewandte Chemie! 

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20th of December 2021:

Today, we made gingerbread cookies in our annual chemistry department gingerbread baking

16th of December 2021:

Day full of seminars started with joint seminar for Chemistry Department where talks were given by Yevgen Karpichev, Tiit Lukk, Tõnis Kanger, Margus Lopp and our group leader Riina Aav. All talks sparked discussions lasting for the whole day.


Later that day, Tatsiana Shalima talked about her recent advancements in analytical chemistry in presentation about "Screening Approach to Mechanochemical Synthesis of Macrocycles"

9th of December 2021:

Doctoral seminars continued with presentation delivered by Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju as he spoke about "Mechanochemical mediated Barbier reactions"

1st-2nd of December 2021:

Our group went to Rakvere to have a group seminar and joyous time together. Exciting discussions were held and we got underground tour in Estonian Mining Museum. 


Our collaborator from University of Jyväskylä, Kari Rissanen, also gave a talk on the topic of "Halogen(I) Supramolecular Chemistry, revisited!“ 


Kari Rissanen is a full professor and Head of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. He has laid the foundation to the Supramolecular Chemistry in Finland. Rissanen is a world-known expert on X-ray crystallography of supramolecular structures, weak intermolecular interactions and new methodology in crystallography.




















18th of November 2021:

Tatsiana Dalidovich gave thought-provoking presentation on her work "Mechanochemical Nucleophilic Substitution of Alcohols via Isouronium Intermediates"

11th of November 2021:

XIII SCIENCE CONFERENCE OF THE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE was held in the lecture hall Venus of the Cybernetics Building.


The conference started with the opening speech by Rector Tiit Land.


  • "Optical spectroscopy of new 2D and 3D semiconductors" by National Research Award 2021 laureates Prof. Maarja Grossberg and Prof. Jüri Krustok

  • "Mechanisms of neuronal activity-regulated gene expression” by National Research Award 2020 laureate Prof. Tõnis Timmusk

  • "Green skills and green competences in future work perspective" by Dr. Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Vice-Rector for Green Transition  

  • “Critical metals from low-grade future resources” by Dr. Rutt Hints, researcher at the Department of Geology 

  • "Extreme winter of 2020 in the Baltic Sea region” by Prof. Urmas Raudsepp, Department of Marine Systems

22nd of October 2021:

Doctoral students from DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY were kindly invited to attend the social event where Head of study programme Maria Cecilia Sarmiento Guerin and Acting Director of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology Pirjo Spuul talked about different possibilities of doctoral schools and went over study programme to discuss the subjects and get valuable feedback.

14th of October 2021:

Kristjan Siilak presented his recent work in doctoral seminar sparking a nice discussion on the topics of "Anion Binding of Biotinuril Derivatives" 

10th October 2021:

Doctoral seminar presentations were continued by Marko Šakarašvili, who presented fascinating results on the topic of "Bis-Zn(II) porphyrin is sensitive to difference in the size of hemicucurbiturils"

24th of September 2020:

We hosted annual Researchers' Night Festival in Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology building.

Different chemistry hands-on workshops "Food = Chemistry"


Viisime läbi Loodusteaduste majas Teadlaste Öö festivali raames läbi töötoa "Toit = Keemia"

Töötoas sai iga teadushuviline teha 4 katset:

  • Pipardame koos

  • Jõuline tsitrus

  • Kullatud suhkur

  • Teeme ise toiduvärvi




23th September 2021:

Our PhD student Nele Konrad was the first one from our group to present her latest results at doctoral seminar. She gave a talk regarding her latest results ""Thiourea organocatalysts' (chir)optical sensing by zinc porphyrins. Progress on hexa zinc porphyrins".

7th-8th September 2021:

Our PhD students Kamini Mishra, Kristjan Siilak, Nele Konrad and Marko Šakarašvili attended the annual summer school held by the Graduate School of Functional materials and Technologiest (GSFMT) in Pärnu, Estonia. Prof. Riina Aav gave an exciting talk about "Directed self-organization of small organic molecules: how to follow and apply it in environmentally benign way"

14th-15th June 2021:

Our group members Kristjan Siilak, Tatsiana Dalidovich, Jevgenija Martõnova, Tatsiana Shalima, Kamini Mishra and Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju visited to take part in TÜ ASTRA project PER ASPERA “Institutional Development Program for 2016-2022” GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES (GSFMT). 

Kristjan, Tatsiana D., Jevgenija, Tatsiana S. and Jagadeesh presented posters and gave small oral presentations and Kamini gave enticing talk about "Chiral hemicucurbit[n]urils, their synthesis, post functionalization and application".

These two days were filled with interesting oral presentations, discussions and our group members were noticed and made new useful connections.




11th-12th June 2021:

Our group went out of office to enjoy nice and warm summer days in Särghaua õppekeskus. We were given nice tour on the grounds and ended first day with tasty meal. Next day continued with visiting C.R. Jakobsoni Talumuuseum and Mukri bog to load our batteries to continue pursuing new interesting scientific results.




9th of June 2021:

Congratulations - Rauno defended his bachelor thesis with mark "Excellent"! 

His thesis title:  Uue kiraalse pürrolidiin-3,4-diamiini derivaadi süntees (Synthesis of new chiral pyrrolidin-3,4-diamine derivative)

April 2021:

After a year-long pandemic delay, we were happy to host the first visiting PhD student, Matvey Horetski from Belarusian State University. Matvey's three months-long mission is now completed, with valuable results obtained by him in the field of porphyrin-based sensors and fluorescent dyes

9th of April 2021:

Anna Cowart defended her doctoral thesis, and is now Anna Cowart, PhD! We congratulate her and wish her all the best in the up-coming challenges.



18th of March 2021:

Anna Cowart (Peterson) gave her first insight into her doctoral thesis giving a presentation about "An Investigation of Noncovalently Bound Supramolecular Systems Through Case Studies of Oxacalixarenes and Iodo-triazoles".

Also, Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju presented everyone his latest work regarding "Mechanochemical Organic Synthesis"

18th of February 2021:

After relaxing and fun day on the hills, we continued with doctoral seminars, where Marko Šakarašvili presented his latest results "Induced chirality in solid state and its application in sensing".

On the same day, also Lachinkhanim Huseynli (sup. Kristel Vene, Riina Aav) gave an enticing talk about her work "Determining and controlling flavor-active compounds in food".

16th of February 2021:

Fresh air and good company keeps you happy and healthy - our group celebrated Fastelavn (Vastlapäev)! We had a great time sledging down the hills and eating semlas with warm tea to keep us fresh and satisfied.




11th of February 2021:

Doctoral seminars continued with presentation delivered by Jevgenija Martõnova as she spoke about "Molecular Structure Determination in Solid State"

28th of January 2021:

Doctoral seminars of Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology resumed after Christmas vacation with Kristjan Siilak taking about his work "Anion binding of biotinuril derivatives"

22nd of January 2021:

Tatsiana Dalidovich spoke at COST seminar regarding her studies of hemicucurbuturils functinalisation by milling and extrusion done in TalTech and Bradford University.

8th of January 2021:

Our loved group member Mari-Liis Ludvig is going on maternity leave - day filled with good cake, laughter and best wishes for soon-to-be-mother. We are all waiting for promised cake Thursdays and looking forward to meeting a new member of your family! 

18th of December 2020:

Whole group came together for an end-of-year seminar in webinar form. New format allowed us to catch up and discuss the matters with our group members who are not currently in the same country. We reviewed all the work that had been done during the year and discussed our future plans for achieving new intriguing and publishable results. 

17th of December 2020:

Mari-Liis Ludvig presented her recent work in doctoral seminar sparking a nice discussion on the topics of "Studies of azobenzene and pyridine containing macrocycles" 

10th of December 2020:

Nele Konrad gave an exciting talk on her recent findings regarding to porphyrins - "Binding studies to zinc porphyrin derivatives"

13th of November 2020:

INITIO webinar "INovative chemIcal sensors for enanTioselective detectIon of chiral pOllutants". Two of our group members Dr. Dzmitry Kananovich and Dr. Lukaš Ustrnul delivered a talk on their latest results.

Dzmitry Kananovich : Synthesis of new host molecules

Lukaš Ustrnul : Supramolecular studies of host molecules

October 2020:

Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju (sup. Riina Aav and Dzmitry Kananovich) started his PhD in our group - looking forward to his new findings in Mechanochemical Organic Synthesis!

25th of September 2020:

We hosted annual Researchers' Night Festival in Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology building.

Different chemistry hands-on workshops "World of Molecules"


Viisime läbi Loodusteaduste majas Teadlaste Öö festivali raames läbi töötoa "Molekulide maailm"

Töötoas sai iga teadushuviline teha 5 katset:

  • Puuviljade kättemaks

  • Keemiline foorilüliti

  • Teeme ise üht vanimat värvi (DIY)

  • Molekulide tants värskes õhus

  • CSI: Jäljed





24th of September 2020:

Tatsiana Dalidovich gave presentation on her work "Mechanochemical Synthesis of Amides with Uronium-Based Coupling Reagents, a Method for Hexa-amidation of Biotin[6]uril"


17th of September 2020:

Tatsiana Shalima presented her recent findings concerning her work "HPLC and MS analysis of biotin[6]uril derivatives and more"

10th of September 2020:

Lukaš gave an exiting presentation in department seminar for Chemistry PhD students.


1th of September 2020:

Jevgenija Martõnova (sup. Riina Aav and Kari Rissanen), Marko Šakarašvili and Kristjan Siilak (sup. Lukaš Ustrnul and Riina Aav) and  Lachinkhanim Huseynli (sup Kristel Vene and Riina Aav) started their PhD studies with us - waiting forward for their discoveries! Elina Suut started her master studies with us - good luck!

28th of August 2020:

Congratulations for Dzmitry for leading his PhD student Gabor Zoltan Elek (Supervisors: Margus Lopp and Dzmitry Kananovich) to outstanding PhD thesis defence!

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28th of August 2020:

Jenni Ilmarinen, a visiting student form Helsinki University, finished her one month stay in a group and resented her interesting results.


23rd of August 2020:

Our group members participated in solidarity chain to support Belarusian people fighting for democracy in their country. It was held on the anniversary of Baltic Way which happened in 1989.




12th of August 2020:

Congratulations - Kristina defended her master thesis with mark "Good"! 

Her thesis title:  Tsükloheksaanohemikukurbituriilide kompleksid orgaanilistes lahustites (Cyclohexylhemicucurbituril complexes in organic solvents)

KristinaMagKaitsmine_2020-08-12 10.50.18

3rd to 4th of July 2020:

Our group had a summer seminar in Hiiumaa, where we summed up our recent achievements. We had two days full of inspiring discussions in a pleasant environment. Among other things, we also explored and enjoyed fascinating landscapes of Estonia's second biggest island. For some group members, it was the first and to all of us a very memorable visit.


27th of July 2020:

Congratulations - Lukaš received highly competitive Estonian Research Council Mobilitas+ post-doctoral research grant for development of innovative sensing for bioactive chiral compounds via supramolecular recognition based on hemicucurbituril-porphyrin system

11th of June 2020:

Congratulations - Elina defended her bachelor thesis with mark "Excellent"! 

Her thesis title:  Mehhanokeemiline hemikukurbituriilide süntees (Mechanochemical synthesis of hemicucurbiturils)


8th of June 2020:

Happy birthday, Lukaš!


2nd of June 2020:

Congratulations - Jevgenija defended her master thesis with mark "Excellent"! 

Her thesis title:  Koobalti sisaldava metall-orgaanilise võrgustiku rakendamine kristallilise käsnana (Application of cobalt-containing metal-organic framework as crystalline sponge)


2nd of June 2020:

Congratulations - Marko defended his master thesis with mark "Excellent"!

His thesis title:  Chiral hemicucurbituril-Zn-porphyrin complexes and their application in sensing

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